Thursday, June 04, 2009

Inspiration and a Call to Action

My daughter introduced me to this song from Ragtime last year. My son heard the following quote in History this year and thought I should share it with you:

"I have pleaded your case not in the tones of a feeble mendicant asking for alms but in the thundering voice of the captain of a mighty host, demanding the rights to which free men are entitled." John Llewellyn Lewis

Now, call your representatives (in fact, call your senators too!) and tell them that you can't reform healthcare without reforming longterm care.

Tell them that the bias toward funding institutions INSTEAD of community-based care options is more expensive, prevents the will of the customer from weeding out non-competitive, outdated and undesireable services, keeps the disability community segregated and contributes to the high unemployment rate of people with disabilities since living in institutions eliminates many opportunities. And at times this bias keeps people with disabilities in situations where abuse is rampant. (Read this article to learn more.)

Today was a call-in day for the House of Representatives, for some in the west there is still time to call--for those in the east e-mail, visit or call tomorrow--a lot of calls today would have been great, but voices raised at any time have more impact than silence on important issues.

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