Thursday, May 08, 2008

Disability Blog Carnival #37:Disability Identity

The latest Blog Carnival is up over at Cripchick's Weblog click here for some great reading!

A blog carnival is when a whole lot of bloggers write on a single topic and one provides an index and summary. Disability Identity is a rich topic and there is a lot of thoughtful writing. Great perspectives for people with disabilities, families and professionals and other allies!

For my post click here.

(I like having you click to descriptions that other people make of pictures, but can't this time... Hope this works: the image is a painting/portrait of a dark haired woman seated in a wheelchair with an artist's pallette in one hand and a handful of paintbrushes in the other. The words Disability Blog Carnival are across the front of the picture.)


Anonymous said...

The image is of Frieda Kahlo and is looks like one she painted. It looks like her work and she did have a great deal of physical impairment and pain. However, I've never seen a wheelchair in any of her work. The wheel in the lower left corner may have been photoshopped-in.

Anonymous said...

I mispelled Frida's name in the last comment. Apologies.

I'm hoping you don't mind -I have tagged you for a Meme. To see what that means, go to my blog post for May 8.

www dot therextras dot com